China Business Law Podcast

S1E17 - The Business Side of Buying Masks and other PPE from China

Episode Summary

We talk with long-time China veterans Cameron Johnson of Tidal Wave Solutions and Joel Gallo of Columbia China League Business Advisory on multiple real world cases of sourcing mask and other PPE product from China. On some of the potential pitfalls involved and best practices to reduce risk.

Episode Notes

Why do prices fluctuate so much and how much time do customers typically have to decide on a deal?

How can a buyer find other ways to reduce total order costs (e.g. shipping and logistics) beyond price?

How does payment work and how much must be paid upfront on orders?

How to educate buyers who are inexperienced in buying PPE or buying anything from China?

What kind of vetting and other due diligence can be done on manufacturers and trading companies that sell PPE?

Cameron Johnson -

Joel Gallo -